Soul Integration to Achieve Successful Relationships
by Rowland Anton Barkley
Printed in Universus magazine, Brasília, Brazil, 2000

Shamanic Soul Integration is a valuable tool for opening people to successful and passionate relationships.

A presupposition (cornerstone idea) of Soul Integration: If you are complete, nothing can touch you.  A being secure in its own wholeness does not continually attract problems.  Only when aspects of the Being has gaping wounds (emotional or self-negation), can alien spirits or other’s discarded energy come in.

There are many phrases used in common language that are indicators of soul loss.  "Half of me is back in my home country", "she stole my heart", -  When you feel a major body reaction on passing your childhood home, a place where you were hospitalized, lost a lover, or had your creativity plagiarized, there is sure to be soul loss involved.

A person with a feeling of emptiness, craving another to fill them up with love, will attract another person who is empty. This is a co-dependent relationship. Once you become whole, you will attract a whole person.

Once in a session a client said “I married the wrong person, and Love flew out the window.” The Shamanic response was to gently ask “Well, would it be alright to bring it back?” The client was silently busy for 15 minutes, and acted breathless, as if she had been running, and had returned with the power to love.

Holding onto a soulpart of another, either consciously or unconsciously, is common and even considered romantic, and leaves no room in your life for that new start that you want.

One common problem I deal with is people who still feel a great loss or upset about a relationship breaking up, sometimes even years later. In almost all cases, they have left a part of their soul in the other person’s body, and it is upset of angry at being left or held captive there. Returning the soulpart is a life-changing action, restores the power to love, and removes the old emotional chains.

Often, even an experienced therapist can do a wonderful job relieving their client's traumatic imprint, yet not return the soulpart missing back in the trauma. This is sending home a contented half-person. Without Soul Integration, we are usually only counseling a small part of the person, so the results are mediocre.

 Shamanic journeys may be performed in order to find the lost soul part, which may be located in an "ordinary" or an alternate reality. The soulpart may be lost in time, place, or stolen by another person. The shaman returns from the journey with the soul part, and "blows" it with a breath into the body of the client.

People with soul loss can have huge gaps in their electrical field.  Often a purely therapeutic technique fails to return their emotional ability, as where there is a hole left in their electrical field, some alien energy can come in to fill the vacuum. No therapy can be complete without calling back the part of the person that left.

What situations could cause soul theft?  Take a couple that separates and one doesn't want to go.  Theft can happen in emotional desperation, a powerful action at a spiritual level that rips off a part of the person.  A man sent to jail may take a large part of his wife’s soul in with him.  In the situation of hero worship of a famous person, fans get so entranced they rip off bits, leaving parts of themselves on the star, maybe even leading the star to later suicide.

Negative affirmations that split off soulparts are the most world famous subject for song writing. "I gave her everything, and look what she did to me".  These negative suggestions to self keep your soulparts in isolation.  Often soulparts are forced on the other partner, so he or she then steals a part back.  Returning and recovering all stolen soulparts back concerning all your past relationships does wonders for your sex life.

Two integrated people, with all their soul present, have a chance of experiencing the kind of ecstasy and love together that they dreamed was possible.

Original Portuguese vserion:

Integraçâo de Alma e o Relacionamento que Você Deseja

Interview with the Shaman Rowland Barkley
Printed in Universus magazine, Brasília, Brazil, 2000

What is your vision of Shamanism?
The rebirth of Shamanism is our burning desire to reconnect with the Real World, the reality that dreams the material world into existence.

When a mother cat remembers how to look after her kittens, she has the instinctive memories of the generations of cats who went before her. When people in a modern age take up practices of Shamanism, they feel home, like they have always been there, as thousands of years of spiritual and physical instinct awaken. The connectedness with all the energetic patterns of all animal types opens up, and they flow with the forces of nature the Wind, the Sea, the heartbeat of the Earth.

Shamanism is a path of exploration and flexibility, learning by experiencing the energetic patterning of different animal types, of voyaging to different dimensions, experiencing the reality and ability structures of different people and societies. Through Shamanic journeying, the experience of teacher that ever existed still is here for you to meet and know, in the best way you can understand their teachings.

Shamanism gives the ability to adapt, in a meaningfully connected way, to the huge consciousness changes that are occurring. Recent emphasis on intellectual development has produced a situation where many scientists believe environmental collapse, at a scale severely affecting human life, to be a logical certainty. I believe nature balances herself, and Shamanism gives us a hope of our different faculties learning to work together, from deep instinctive to intellectual and beyond, leading to a quality of life better than ever before.

How does Shamanism view family karma?
In modern societies, there is a huge amount of social conditioning that sets powerful restraints on how people can use their power. One thing that has become very evident in the Family Karma section of my workshops, is that the fixed beliefs of people are a fight between many tribes from many countries. Most people in Brazil who are attempting to find their own free will, to follow their own Life Mission are up against an internal fight in their mind. A “holy war” (geurre santa) between competing belief systems, maybe Italian, Arabic, Yoruba, Jewish, all fighting in the same unconscious mind. Each of the above competing with their assumptions of sexual and religious rules.

“Family Karma Dissolution” is an essential part of modern Shamanism, that did not really belong to shamanism in the past. Older Shamanic initiations did two things. The first was an ordeal, to suspend normal function of the mind, to instill patterns essential for the survival of the tribe, including belief in the social order, and establish who is in charge. The second function of the initiation is to establish a connectedness with nature in a form supportive to the tribe. Hunting often necessitated entering into the consciousness of the animal being hunted so you could find it, enter into it, then eat it.

In order to find your own spirituality, or even attaining a healthy physical or emotional life, it is essential to dissolve all the old karmic family patterning. There is no one consensus “right” conditioning anymore, and we are better off freeing ourselves from slavery these archaic bonds.

What is the difference between shamanism and other philosophies in acknowledging and encouraging the power of the mind?
Basically the answer is in the question: “the mind” gets referred to as if it exists in the singular. Every human has many minds that have quite different thinking styles and abilities. Each “Chakra” is a different “soul”, and they can learn to work together.

There are many different philosophies and techniques that successfully develop discipline or ability at one level or  limited levels of consciousness. One can overemphasize intellectual discipline, and a shadow from the deep unconscious will make itself know, or work only on creativity, and lack of mental discipline will make itself felt.

What is Spiritual DNA and how is it activated?
When people access their spiritual power and intelligence to a greater degree than permitted by Consensus Reality, powerful genetic implants are activated deep within the nervous system. These implants are programs designed to block awakening, so we do not wake up and challenge our “masters.” When these implants are activated, group insanity within socie­ty rages forth, e.g. priests roasting masses of people alive in the “Holy” Inquisition, or parents accusing children of being possessed by the Devil if they don’t believe the official version of “Truth.”

These implants contain a strong conviction of  these crimes being a perfectly sensible way to behave, complete with pictures of Hell to abuse innocent children with, should they not comply with the implants. Now we know with Spiritual DNA work exactly how to permanently remove these programmed behavioural implants. The whole mystery of why so few people could access their genius, and why Native Shamans rarely can figure out how to teach “civilized” people has been solved.

Each stage of DNA initiation liberates potent energy and creativity, mandating a letting go and aspect of the outmoded conditioned life. The first ordeal, permitting the unconscious mind to let go of a life of conflict between seeming opposites, the habit of believing that only one side of an argument is right, is the shift from 2-strand to 3-strand.  That is a life-changing step enables many deeper healing to occur.  If a whole planet evolved to 3-strand, what would there be to war about?

DNA Initiators work from a holographic model in which morphological information emanates in fractal patterns from higher dimensions. Postures, physical structures, drums, and even DNA in the physical and energy bodies serves as a switching mechanism to access powers of nature in various dimensions. In Spiritual DNA stranding we're integration between higher and lower dimensions.

Spiritual DNA sessions channel powerful energies higher evolutionary energies, activating potentials within the physical and higher bodies, loosening these imprints and control machines.

It is be vital while going through DNA shifts to have others supportive people around you, gently helping each other notice that the patterns being released are merely habits of the consensus reality. The ordeals are letting go of conditioning which are already  making your life mechanical.  Letting go of familiar bad habits is the human's worst nightmare, as they have been taught to define their “self” by its problems and opponents.

What is your shamanic line, and what difference does that make?
My strongest known influences are Australian Aboriginal, Celtic, and Huna. It makes a vast difference how ancient an energy connection a Shaman has, but you cannot tell this by what external tradition he or she practices.

The only person I have ever met who had a clear understanding of how I work is Pajé Sapaím, the chief healer of the Xingu tribes of Brazil. His understanding of me came from a dream he had the night before he met me, where Mama-é, the living spirit within the plants of the jungle taught him how I work. I take techniques from many different traditions, simply recognizing in them what I was already looking for

How do we bring Shamanism into our day-to-day life?
This is a time of mass spiritual awakening, but a dangerous time to just sit back and wait for enlightenment. Forces have been unleashed that are chaotic and disturbing in many ways, with emergencies both environmental and in the collective unconscious. This provides us with more pressure to evolve both personally and as a race than ever before. There is a reason for this darker trend. In evoking forces of light, one also needs to master the dark side, or one will be taken over by it.

This is not a competition between good and evil, where only one side wins. Deep Shadow Transformation, both personally, and as a race is an urgent matter. Total acceptance of our instinctive sides is mandatory if we are to recover our passion, motivation, the power to transform ourselves, and act usefully in the world.

People are complex creatures, with intelligence, Spirit, Soul, and animal instincts such as territorial and combative urges. These animal instincts cannot be rejected without them bursting out at the most embarrassing times. What is vital is for the animal self  to raise up in consciousness by the power of being touched by our hearts, and blessed by our minds.

As Shamans, we can hold a tree, experiencing from it how it sways in the wind, yet retaining its strength. We can feel the waves of the sea, and sense how the cycles of the moon are necessary to the existence of life. We can look at and feel the many types of animals, and sense within us all their various qualities, experiencing their totality as our deep emotional intelligence.

We can then learn to sense the power of our Higher Self flowing through our body to deep within the Earth, and the power of Earth herself flowing through the body and out your head to the Higher Self, and then the Universe. This creates a field that will restore deep and previously lost regenerative and healing abilities This brings about a new state of acting with passion and joy in the world, yet always aware of, and receiving knowledge and blessings from our own eternal nature.

Out of all the lines of transpersonal therapy, why did you choose Shamanism?
I read the 18 volumes of Jung’s collected works as a teenager. While Jung said you can feel Archetypes, few therapists using his work actually have the ability to choose how they feel, to move deeply into each archetype in a personal ecstatic way. If the therapist cannot change the state of his or her own mind at will, how can they expect the client to make deep changes? Shamanism is the practice of flexibility of consciousness, to deeply experience any or many archetypes at will.

Also through transpersonal experiences, we can be reach the consciousness all life or all people at a spiritual level, and also and an animal level. Most transpersonal practitioners only do this at the spiritual level, and still refer to the “Unconscious mind” as if there is anything, anywhere, that is unconscious.

Shamanism is the practice of travelling into any planes of consciousness, spiritual, physical, group minds of people, group minds of nature, into plants, and into the “Real World”, the place from which we dream reality into existence.

What can a student studying your Professional Tranining hope to learn?
This intensive training will assist any healing professional, medical or alternative, to gain results in clients much deeper and faster they imagined possible. They will learn how to master the multiple trance states needed to activate healing power in themselves and their clients. Students will gain the ability to be the catalyst for powerful, rapid, and life-long benefit to those who work with them.

As well as professional enhancement, through intense personal work, they should expect a truly life-transforming experience. They will learn to work with Holographic Timeline, releasing anybody from the burdens of their past. They should expect to be able to ecstatically enter into such archetypes are necessary to facilitate client changework.

Clients coming in for either therapy or for creativity counseling all come to learn to direct their own mind, and to become masters of their own consciousness. It is vital that the therapist already has this ability, and students coming to this training should expect to gain this.

What is being taught in your Professional Training?

Week 1: Therapeutic Trances Training

  • Gentle, deep and rapid healing trance induction. You will experience the many selves you thought you were, and their complements, the Dark Sides you thought you didn't want to be,  at the same time, and with love.  This will enormously free your creative power.
  • How to work with clients so they feel more creative and protected in their life, sensing connection to their Deep Instinctive Mind, their soul, and with the environment and greater fields via animal and other images.
  • The “energetic masks’ people present in everyday life are mostly created by their limiting belief structures, and these set powerful limitations on how others react to them.  Students will learn to transmute these masks in order to gain much more positive responses from those around them.
  • How to achieve "Direct Experience" of the Archetypes.

Week 2: Holographic Timeline Healing

Most techniques for traumatic incident reduction are based on the premise that memory is local, and that the client has a recording of being a victim in the event. With this training students develop access to the holographic recording of events, and how to help clients access the experience of all participants or co-creators of past events.

What binds a client to a past trauma is usually what they do not want to know about how the others involved felt or thought about the situation. Working with this is often “miraculous” whether working with emotional of physical manifestations of a traumatic pattern.

These Holographic Timeline skills are vital for working with illnesses with a strong psychosomatic component such as asthma, and necessary for achieving the deep emotional healing possible with Therapeutic Exorcism.

Week 3: Deep Shadow Transformation: Deobsession for Therapists

Most client problems are ego fragments, energetic patterns and belief packages, borrowed from others. Deep and long-lasting results with any type of therapy mandates that the therapist has exorcism skills. Exorcism achieves deep and permanent benefits when the client accepts their own personal shadow that was occluded by the borrowed fragments.

In this training students will learn to access the power of the Shadow, how to have a client welcome the beauty of their Deeper Self that they used to fight..

Students will gain in personal power by learning how "alienating thought patterns" attract "alien" energies. They will become an example of attitudes of Power that avoid possession from foreign thoughts and energies.

We will be working with dissolving “manufactured selves,” identities you created to deal with life or education, freeing your real power for you life’s work.

What will a student gain the capacity to do?
All patients come to a therapist to learn more flexibility of consciousness at a spiritual, emotional, or physical level.

Biofeedback tests by Geoffrey Blundell and maxwell Kade show that the state of consciousness of the healing professional strongly affects the state of consciousness of their patient within 15 seconds of the treatment starting.

Students of the full Professional Training should learn to set a personal example of consciousness that facilitates their clients rising above their deep sense of loneliness, to accept and learn from all their disassociated personality parts, allowing a deeply felt reconnection with the greater unified field.

Shamanism is a path of exploration and flexibility, learning by experiencing the energetic patterning of different animal types, of learning by experiencing the worldview of teachers and geniuses, of voyaging to different dimensions, and experiencing the reality matrixes of different groups and societies. Through Shamanic journeying, the experience of every teacher that ever existed still is here for you to meet and know, in the best way you can understand their teachings.

What benefits can be brought from that ancient philosophy to our modern world?
For me, living in the modern life without Shamanism would be trying to live an adult life without ever having been in the womb. Shamanism is a way of reconnecting with our creativity, living while connected to all of life. It gives us a way of flowing with the forces of nature, rather than them visiting  involuntarily, as is the case with all clients who come focussed on their symptoms.

Shamanism is a way to bring the consciousness of the belly into the head, inviting the things people create to be in touch with life and nature.

Australian shaman teaches how to exorcise demons, negative energies and beliefs

Healer uses techniques to free people from their demons. His teachings are about subtle DNA and exorcism, that stimulate creative potential and eliminate completely energetic blocks.

by Gilda Telles, translated by Monica Von Koss
Printed in Folha de São Paulo, May 17, 1997

The Australian shaman Rowland Barkley uses modern techniques from neuro-linguistic and energetic therapies, associated with the shamanic tradition, to free people from their own demons and awaken their creative potential.

Invited by Paz Géia, São Paulo's school of neo-shamanism, Rowland will be in town until the beginning of June 1997, running classes and individual sessions. His teachings go beyond the traditional shamanism and propose the reprogramming of the subtle DNA, and Exorcism. Techniques that he also uses for individual sessions at his offices in Australia, Denmark, United States and now in Brasil.

Rowland's first workshop intends to remove the obstacles that prevent the free access to the 12 "strands" (levels) of the subtle DNA, to set free talents and healing powers.

The subtle DNA is explained in neo-shamanism, as in other modern strains of transpersonal therapies, as a counterpart of the cell DNA. As the cell DNA contains the genetic memory of the human being, the subtle DNA contains the records of all potentialities.

The shaman explains that the energetic blocks preventing the development of creativity, are also caused by inner demons. Generated by negative mental patterns and attitudes, the "Targs" and "thought-forms" are energies as powerful or more than creatures of the dark.

In Shamanism demons aren't seen as a evil entities with tail and horns, like in Judaism and Christianity. It is more like a wrongly directed energy, explains Rowland.

"Today demons appear under different aspects, like the belief that 'I'm not good enough. 'A negative thought can be more damaging than any spirit of the dark. Negative thoughts attract and adhere unwanted entities like magnets. In practical terms there is no difference between our own negativity and invading spirits."

Practice frees from destructive forces
The subject of exorcism, so feared by Christians, is defined by Rowland simply as "a return of lost energy to the place where it came from."

"If the demon is part of what one has been told to think, the energy has to go back to the author of that thought with love. If it is part of your own energy that you denied in yourself, then it must be re-integrated with you. Demons, ancient emotional energies, go back to the earth as fertilizers. If the demon is a destructive force from another dimension, it must be healed from the suffering caused by separation from Divine Being and from its belief of destruction, so it may return to totality."

Rowland explains that any person, after a training with a Master Shaman, is capable of exorcising his demons.

"With the help of a Master Shaman, you can use the same capacity you have to listen to thoughts that made you feel miserable and weak, to sweep them off your mind forever."

You came here because you want to change something

Personal Consultation at the Core of Existence

Barkley RadiationWhen I work with you in Private Session we are in direct conference within the Fractal Matrix creating manifest reality. We are in the presence of the Orisha who are the powers of Nature and at the same timeless time the raw elements of human personality. Each person is being created in the image of the Divinities, not long ago, right now. Resolving conflicts of the Divinities within your deeper self in this very moment is needed to Make a Change. When you dare to be different, take the risk of Private Audience with Rowland Barkley.

Click here to register for a powerful private audience with Rowland Barkley