Restoring Your Sense of Love with Archetypal Energy Healing Workshops

Even though there is no specific definition of love, almost every description of it boils down to the union of two independent entities.  As you look at symbols from ancient cultures, “Love”, or the marriage of heaven and earth were created and use in many different contexts.  As an example, Yin and Yang, the Star of David, Celtic Knots, and the Caudices have withstood the test of time because they symbolize wholeness created from balanced and integrated unions. 

Rowland DoubledrumUnfortunately, we live in a world that uses roses, behavior manipulation, and financial reward in place of more symbolically integrative designs and values.  Therefore, many people easily miss seeing that the potential for love still exists in every aspect of creation.  Today, when you enroll in Energetic Field Liberation Therapy workshops with Rowland Barkley you will have an opportunity to find and experience integrative wholeness in its purest form.

Establishing a Foundation of Love with Archetypal Energy Healing

If you have never experienced a specific event, you may not recognize it when it occurs.  As an example, if you have never experienced a graduation party in a foreign country, you may not recognize it unless someone else tells you what is going on.   In a similar way, you will not always recognize what the full integration of spirit and body feels like unless you walk into a place that is filled with this energy. 

Fortunately, when you enroll in the Barkley Energetic Field Healing workshops, the first thing you will experience is a matrix of love energy.  Once you know what it feels like to exist in a state of wholeness, you will be in an optimal condition to work on other issues.  This may include relief from emotional distress as well as physical illness.

The Benefits of Integrative Healing

Major BreakthoughEnergetic Field Liberation Healing is one of the most powerful methods for curing all kinds of diseases.  Because the energy of illness is transformed at the holographic soul level, the changes happen quickly and efficiently.  Consider a situation where you have chronic joint pain. 

Unlike conventional medical treatments, you will not be given harmful and addictive pain killers.  Instead, Rowland will look at your energy field, or aura, and pinpoint historical energy patterns that are causing your pain.   As you may be aware, mental as well as physical injuries can damage your energy field.  Once the disharmony is cleared or erased, your aura will be rebalanced to its initial healthy state. From there, your pain will stop, and healing will continue to completion.

Chances are, you may be wondering how your energy field can be restored to an initial healthy state.  Interestingly enough, even though each person is different, there is an underlying blueprint of good health.  Therefore, as Rowland works to restore your energy fields, he will be able to read that blueprint and align your energies accordingly.  Unfortunately, not all therapists will be able to perform this very important task.

As you may be aware, many people believe that they deserve to be poor, live in pain, or be unhappy.  That said, it is equally important to realize that the distress of one person has a negative impact on everyone else.  In many cases, this can set up a very harmful feedback system that only serves to reinforce the idea that you have less value than someone else. 

Soul IntegrationToday, everyone needs to do their part in rebuilding and restoring the good health of this world.  Without a question, if you take a chance and accept the challenge that comes with restoring your own wellness, you will find that the harmful cycle of negative energy will vanish from your life.  You will also have an opportunity to watch the world around restored to its original bounty and perfection.

As dissonant life events build up, you may well believe that you should “pay” for them with illness and pain. Living in a state where you do not experience the loving union of body and soul will cause you to search externally for something that you do not recognize within yourself.  Fortunately, when you enroll in Rowland Barkley's Archetypal Energy Healing workshops, you will have a chance to find this love and take part in restoring others to wholeness.

Copyright © 2008 Rowland Anton Barkley. Permission granted to repost this article unaltered, with notification to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on condition that the reposted article contains a functioning link to

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Personal Consultation at the Core of Existence

Barkley RadiationWhen I work with you in Private Session we are in direct conference within the Fractal Matrix creating manifest reality. We are in the presence of the Orisha who are the powers of Nature and at the same timeless time the raw elements of human personality. Each person is being created in the image of the Divinities, not long ago, right now. Resolving conflicts of the Divinities within your deeper self in this very moment is needed to Make a Change. When you dare to be different, take the risk of Private Audience with Rowland Barkley.

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