Activation! 2018 Event Timetable

Finger MagicActivation! and other Personal Realisation Seminars lead by Rowland Barkley are extremely challenging and deeply transformational. Can you take the risk necessary to open to your abilities and implement your dreams?

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Archetypal Energy Healing Course Structure and Timeframe

Karma SpiralThe full training, up to the Provisional Master Practitioner level, is taught at three levels over sixteen experientially intense days.  As these are deep personal transformational experiences, in many cases it will be advisable to attend more than once to complete your healing process.

Level one: YOUR BREAKTHROUGH! Two days
This weekend workshop is the recommended prerequisite to all Rowland Barkley Courses
Level two: Archetypal Energy Healing Practitioner (7 days)
Level three: Archetypal Energy Healing Master Practitioner (7 days)

Requirements for recognized Professional Healer Status:
Archetypal Energy Healing Master Practitioner, Professional

  1. Completion of Archetypal Energy Healing Practitioner and Master levels
  2. Special training only possible to be received by advanced assistants in training.
  3. Present notes from at least 100 hours of session work
  4. Written test
  5. 3-day advanced presentation and graduation training.

Helaer Professional graduates will have the right to:

  1. Print the Barkley Archetype Negotiation Method logo on their advertising and business cards
  2. Represent to the public that they are professionally trained in Archetypal Energy Healing
  3. Join the Archetype Negotiation professional society who will list their practice on the Internet
  4. Apply to join the Teacher Training program to teach Barkley Archetypal Energy Healing to the Practitioner level

Requirements for recognized Professional Teaching Status:
Archetypal Energy Healing Trainer

  • Archetypal Energy Healing Master Practitioner
  • Complete the “Archetype Negotiation Method” training series, up to Module 5 (each is 1 week training)
  • Complete the Activated Neurolinguistics Training with Rowland Barkley, and assist 100 of Barkley Archetype Mediation courses
  • Receive Initiation at the Archetype Negotiation teacher's level. This Initiation transfers abilities such as how to transmit knowledge to your students, and awaken healing abilities in them, by Broadbeam Telepathy

You came here because you want to change something

Personal Consultation at the Core of Existence

Barkley RadiationWhen I work with you in Private Session we are in direct conference within the Fractal Matrix creating manifest reality. We are in the presence of the Orisha who are the powers of Nature and at the same timeless time the raw elements of human personality. Each person is being created in the image of the Divinities, not long ago, right now. Resolving conflicts of the Divinities within your deeper self in this very moment is needed to Make a Change. When you dare to be different, take the risk of Private Audience with Rowland Barkley.

Click here to register for a powerful private audience with Rowland Barkley

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